Tuesday, April 29, 2008

So, I told you I would introduce the committee. I'm so excited because I can't wait for you to meet these amazing people ... and see how they can affect your life, by virtue of sharing their own with you, here. It's what we are about, helping each other, affecting lives, sharing... and laughing our butts off in the meantime.

So... I'm "the brain for hire". It's nice to meet you. They call me that because I write, I write scripts, a magazine , for other magazines, a book . I brainstorm everything I get a glimpse at, to a point of ridiculous. That's right, I'm "one of those".... they call me a "creative"... that's not a bad thing, right? I mean, sometimes people say it with disdain, but for the most part, it helps us all out, because my mind runs away with itself, and I put it to use building up friendships, networks and businesses. Plus, there's the writing. Again with the writing. The writing is what allows you to have a window into our world, where decisions are made my committee, and wii's are found at Christmastime and more.

I also want you to meet... THE GLUE... She binds us all together. We came to the committee through the friendships we have had with her. With a pessimism that is laced with happy, she views the glass half empty, but thinks about how fun the first half was. She can organize the heck out of anything... she can move some serious furniture... she loves to drive nice cars... she can't quit lusting after the white range rover we keep seeing out the window when we are "at coffee." she enjoys juicy sweatsuits, prada purses and has an extensive collection of tennis shoes. she is your best defender. mama bear doesn't come closet to describing the loyalty of this uberfriend... you should BE so lucky to know her.

Stay tuned as we introduce the other members of the committee.

Coming soon, ASK THE COMMITTEE, your opportunity to ask the committee for advice for your current situation... and believe me, honey, we'll have some for you.

Email us at seeyouatcoffee1@gmail.com with any questions or thoughts. More big news coming soon.

1 comment:

robyn blaikie collins said...

visitors: we had some people stop by the shop... wanna know who? well, in order to protect the innocent, we'll just give a few words:
the builder
mr. under par
the tennis pro

if you want to be featured in SYAC... let us know. send an email to seeyouatcoffee1@gmail.com